Different Types of Body Physics

Different Types of Body Physics

People are born with an inherited body type based on skeletal frame and body composition. Most people are unique combinations of the three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

Ectomorph: Known as a “Hardgainer”, the ectomorph body type is the leanest of the three types. Other traits include:

Fast metabolism

Difficulty gaining weight

Lean muscle mass

Very low body fat index

Very thin, often lanky

A small frame and delicate bone structure

Narrow or small shoulders

Underdeveloped chest

Any height, but is often seen in tall men

The greatest challenge ectomorphs have is gaining weight, hence the term” hardgainer”. Regardless of the reason, most have a fast metabolism that burns calories quicker than normal; making weight and muscle gain difficult. As a result, high caloric intake and customized workouts that focus on large muscle groups are needed, in order for the hardgainer to increase and maintain weight and muscle mass. Success is possible, but the process is often slow. Finding a suitable workout and diet is key.

Mesomorph: The most common male body type, mesomorphs have an advantage at the gym. Other traits include:
Athletic build
Well defined muscles
Big boned with a sturdy frame
Rectangular shaped body
Typically of average height
Gains muscle easily
Generally strong
Normal metabolism
Gains fat fairly easily


With their heavier bone and muscle structure, have an easy time of gaining muscle and maintaining an athletic physique. With a healthy metabolism that burns calories at a normal pace, the mesomorph can gain and lose weight easily. Still, attention should be given to his caloric intake, especially as he ages, since fat is no stranger to this body type. Bodybuilding routines are typical and require no special considerations like the Ectomorph’s does. Cardio should always be a part of his workout program, in order to maintain weight.


At the other end of the spectrum is the endomorph, whose body type is opposite the ectomorph. Other traits include:
Stocky, solid build
Typically shorter than average height
Thick arms and legs
Strong upper legs
Gains muscle easily
Slow metabolism
Undefined, soft muscles
Gains muscle and fat very easily
Difficulty losing fat


Have the potential to gain muscle quickly with the appropriate bodybuilding workout. Cardio is always recommended for weight control, which is often a challenge when the metabolism is slow. This body type also needs to maintain a balanced caloric intake to avoid excess weight gain.

Knowing your body type and its typical characteristics help explain and give insight to the many unknowns and challenges men often deal with when dieting and bodybuilding. It’s one more tool to use to maximize your greatest assets, while minimizing the rest. There’s tons of information online regarding the various body types and methods to enhance the lives they’re attached to. Take advantage of this knowledge and watch yourself morph into a better you!


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