The Top 10 Most Weight-Gain Friendly Foods on the Planet

The Top 10 Most Weight-Gain Friendly Foods on the Planet

1. Lean Beef

This should be a staple of your diet if you want to gain muscle mass. Lean beef is loaded with all sorts of things conducive to muscle growth, including iron, zinc, and B-vitamins. More importantly, it provides your body with high-quality protein (not all proteins are equal), and a high level of amino acid that works with insulin to promote muscle growth.

2. Eggs

Eggs contain high-quality protein, nine essential amino acids, choline, the right kind of fat, and vitamin D. They provide the most value for your money. And eggs are not harmful to your health, as numerous studies have already shown.

3. Cottage Cheese

Not many people know this, but cottage cheese is almost entirely pure casein protein.Casein is a slow-digesting protein, which means it is perfect for muscle maintenance. This is useful especially for people who have no choice but to go long periods without eating. Cottage cheese is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, calcium, and other important nutrients.

4. Whey Protein

There is a reason why whey protein supplements are the most popular supplement in the fitness industry: they provide a fast and convenient source of protein at an affordable price. Bodybuilders normally use them when they wake up, right after their workout, and mixed with some of their meals. For the rest of us, a scoop in our shakers right after our workouts can be very effective for muscle mass gains. It’s important that you still get high-quality protein from whole foods, and use whey protein as a boost.

5.Red meat

Red meat is also rich in protein and contains iron. This mineral is essential for the transport of oxygen in the blood, which can help with physical performance during a workout. 


Peanuts are a source of protein as well as magnesium (an important mineral for muscle contraction), B-complex vitamins (which are necessary for energy production in the body) and antioxidants (which help with muscle recovery after exercising). 


Chicken is rich in protein and contains low quantities of fat. Therefore, consuming this food for lunch or dinner alongside a regular exercise routine can help with muscle gains.


Tuna is a fish that is rich in omega-3 and is an excellent source of protein, which can contribute to muscular hypertrophy. This food can be consumed as a snack before or after a workout.


Milk is rich in protein and minerals, like calcium and magnesium. It can stimulate muscular contractions and improve stamina during workouts, which can lead to muscle mass gains. 


Beans are an excellent source of plant-based protein, and when they are consumed with grains, like whole wheat rice, whole pasta, or corn, it can provide the body with a high quantity and a high quality of of amino acids that are essential for muscle growth. 

Ideally, your diet for muscle-building should incorporate protein into every meal. You should include foods like cheese, eggs, yogurt, and meat, even during snacks. This approach will provide your muscles with a good quantity of amino acids to promote muscle growth.

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